How to Use a Link Shortener for Brand Awareness

Satish Ithamsetty
Satish Ithamsetty Published on May 04, 2023

In today's digital age, businesses have realized the importance of having a strong online presence. One of the most important factors in building a brand online is having a strong social media presence. 

Social media platforms provide businesses an excellent opportunity to reach out to their target audience, engage with them, and build a loyal customer base. 

However, one of the challenges of social media marketing is the character limit for posts. Fortunately, link shorteners provide a solution. This article will discuss how to use a link shortener for brand awareness.

Understanding Link Shorteners

Link shorteners allow you to shorten long URLs into shorter ones. They take a long URL and create a shorter version that is easier to share on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. It is especially useful since these platforms have a character limit. Link shorteners not only make it easier to share links but also make them more visually appealing. They often come with analytics tools that allow you to track the performance of the links you share.

Benefits of Link Shorteners for Brand Awareness

Link shorteners offer several benefits to businesses looking to build their brand online. Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased visibility: Link shorteners make it easier to share links, increasing your brand's visibility. They also make your links more visually appealing, which makes them more likely to be clicked on.
  • Better analytics: Link shorteners come with analytics tools that allow you to track the performance of the links you share. It lets you see which links perform well and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.
  • Increased engagement: Shorter links are more likely to be shared and clicked on, which increases engagement with your target audience. It can lead to more likes, comments, and shares, which can help build brand awareness.

How to Use a Link Shortener for Brand Awareness

Using a link shortener is simple. Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Choose a link shortener: There are many link shorteners available online. Some of the most popular ones include Bitly, Rebrandly, and TinyURL. Choose one that best suits your needs.
  • Copy the link you want to shorten: Copy the long URL you want to shorten.
  • Paste the link into the link shortener: Paste the long URL into the link shortener. The link shortener will then create a shortened version of the URL.
  • Customize the link (Optional): Some link shorteners allow you to customize the shortened link. It can be useful to create a branded link that reflects your business.
  • Share the link on social media: Once you have a shortened link, you can share it on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Be sure to include a call to action to encourage your followers to click the link.

Best Practices for Using Link Shorteners

To get the most out of link shorteners, here are some best practices you should follow:

  • Keep it short and sweet: Make sure your shortened links are short and easy to remember. It makes it easier for your followers to share them.
  • Test your links: Before you share a link, test it to make sure it works. Broken links can be frustrating for your followers and can hurt your brand.
  • Use a custom domain: If you want to create a branded link, consider using a custom domain. It makes your links more professional and memorable.
  • Track your links: Make sure you track the performance of your links using the analytics tools provided by the link shortener. It lets you see which links perform well and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.
  • Please don't overdo it: While link shorteners can be helpful, it's important not to overuse them. Too many shortened links can look spammy and turn off your followers.


In conclusion, link shorteners are useful for businesses looking to build their brand online. They make it easier to share links on social media platforms and provide analytics tools to track the performance of those links. When using link shorteners, it's important to keep it short and sweet, test your links, use a custom domain if possible, track your links, and avoid overdoing them.